Opinion: Embrace the Era of Laptops, Say Goodbye to Suitcases

Opinion: Embrace the Era of Laptops, Say Goodbye to Suitcases

In the past, lobbyists in India held significant influence over politicians and could seal deals to benefit their clients. Figures like Vijay Mallya, a former liquor baron, took lobbying to new heights by hosting extravagant parties and providing luxurious accommodations to bureaucrats and politicians on his private jets. Similarly, an IAS officer at Air India distributed unlimited business class cards to colleagues and selected political leaders. These lobbyists were so powerful that they could garner support from over 150 MPs across party lines and even influence the finance ministry’s budget speech.

However, lobbying in India has undergone significant changes. Cash and lavish gifts are no longer the norm, and gaining political influence has become more challenging. The current government is more focused on transparency and involving multiple stakeholders in decision-making processes. Circulars to prevent undesirable individuals from entering ministries are no longer issued, and special meetings are difficult to arrange due to the departure of friendly secretaries of ministers.

To navigate the new landscape, lobbyists now rely on various strategies. They seek help from influential individuals associated with the corridors of power and build connections with top leaders who can assist ticket-seekers during elections. Lobbying efforts are also directed towards government officials through routine meetings and advocacy firms. However, despite their efforts, some lobbying campaigns have not been successful, such as attempts to challenge the 28% GST on gaming companies or the windfall gain tax on oil companies.

The methods of lobbying have also evolved with the digital age. Lobbyists now spend more time on social media platforms, monitoring influencers, and boosting their online profiles. YouTube influencers have become particularly influential, and some lobbyists have resorted to using bots to increase their clients’ social media presence. However, regulatory bodies like SEBI have warned against influencers promoting stocks without proper disclosure.

The decline of Delhi-centric deal-making has opened up opportunities for lobbyists from all over the country. However, influencing bureaucrats has become more challenging due to increased scrutiny and efforts to prevent corruption allegations. Paid junkets and perks for officials are no longer prevalent, and there is always a trail of transactions.

Despite these changes, lobbyists continue to find ways to maintain their influence. They still engage in traditional practices like taking colleagues out for drinks to gather corporate intelligence. Some lobbyists even consider using tech surveillance to monitor their competitors. To avoid surveillance, many lobbyists have become more cautious about their phone conversations and opt for data calls and encrypted messaging apps.

In order to please their clients, lobbyists have also incorporated corporate social responsibility initiatives into their work. They organize events and sponsor various projects, ranging from distributing sewing machines and bicycles to providing ambulances and supporting political parties. Some multinational companies even create special showcases, such as museums dedicated to legendary musicians, to please their clients.

In some cases, lobbyists adopt the public-private partnership model. Gaming companies, for example, were encouraged to invest in stadiums built by the government, which now sit in a dilapidated state. This allows politicians to use the stadiums for sporting events and political rallies.

Overall, while lobbying in India has changed significantly, lobbyists continue to adapt to the evolving landscape and find ways to exert influence and benefit their clients.

One thought on “Opinion: Embrace the Era of Laptops, Say Goodbye to Suitcases

  1. https://wakelet.com/wake/bBT7HcufKO2t57eM4ZsJt

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