Congress leader Rahul Gandhi took a dig at Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR) during a rally in Hyderabad ahead of the state’s voting. Interrupting his party’s Telangana chief, Gandhi shouted “bye-bye, KCR” into the mic, which elicited laughter and waves from the audience. KCR, the popular name for the Telangana Chief Minister, has been ruling the state since its formation in 2014 and is seeking a third term.
A video from the rally in Kamareddy shows Gandhi walking up to the mic while another speaker, Revanth Reddy, was speaking. Gandhi says “bye-bye, KCR,” waves, smiles, and walks away. Kamareddy is set for a triangular contest between the Telangana Congress chief, KCR, and the BJP’s K Venkataramana Reddy.
Gandhi confidently stated that Congress would win the elections in Telangana with a massive majority. He also mocked the BJP’s poll promise of making a backward caste leader the chief minister if voted to power, saying they should first secure two percent of the votes.
Gandhi promised that if the Congress came to power, the six guarantees given by the party would be approved in the first cabinet meeting. These guarantees include Rs 2,500 per month for eligible women, gas cylinders for Rs 500, 200 units of free electricity, and Rs 4,000 monthly pension for eligible senior citizens. The Congress has made similar promises in the past, which helped them secure an absolute majority in Karnataka.
However, KCR and other BRS leaders have mocked the Congress guarantees, accusing the party of deceiving people in Telangana. They claim that the Congress has not properly implemented its guarantees in Karnataka and would do the same in Telangana.
The counting for Telangana’s 119 seats will take place on December 3.