Saskatchewan Hunter Bags Rare ‘Two-For-One’ Buck with Enormous Deadhead Adorning Its Rack

Saskatchewan Hunter Bags Rare ‘Two-For-One’ Buck with Enormous Deadhead Adorning Its Rack

A Canadian hunter had a unique and thrilling deer hunting experience on November 4th. Tyson Raymer and his girlfriend were hunting on his family’s farm near Disley, Saskatchewan when they encountered an extraordinary sight. Raymer spotted a 10-point whitetail buck carrying the detached head of another 8-point buck on its rack. Seizing the opportunity, Raymer took aim and successfully bagged both bucks, resulting in a rare and intertwined pair of trophies.

The couple had set up their hunting spot that morning in tall grass on the edge of a rolling field. They were hopeful of tagging a doe or a decent buck. As the day progressed, Raymer began rattling, attracting the attention of a surprising visitor. A two-headed buck emerged and approached them.

Unable to believe his eyes, Raymer used his binoculars to confirm that one buck was carrying the head of another. Determined to secure this extraordinary kill, Raymer stalked the deer, closing the distance to about 80 yards. With his .50 caliber muzzleloader, he took a shot, causing the buck to run briefly before collapsing. As Raymer approached the fallen deer, he was amazed to see the two buck’s racks securely intertwined.

It is believed that the two bucks had engaged in a fight, with the 10-pointer emerging victorious and the 8-pointer succumbing to its injuries. Both bucks were mature with impressive racks, although the antlers of the 8-pointer appeared thicker than the 10-pointer’s.

Raymer speculates that during their struggle, the 10-pointer may have broken the 8-pointer’s neck. As the victorious buck dragged the dead deer around, scavengers like coyotes and other predators likely picked at the carcass until the head detached from the body.

Despite the unusual circumstances, the 10-pointer seemed to move normally even after being shot. Raymer recalls a family member mentioning a week prior that they had seen a buck dragging a dead one, suggesting that it may have been the same deer. Additionally, the 10-pointer appeared noticeably lean, indicating potential difficulties in finding food.

Raymer plans to have both bucks mounted with their intertwined racks, although he has not yet decided how he will display them. He is also in search of the right taxidermist. In the meantime, he is using zip ties to keep the racks in their original position.

Reflecting on his once-in-a-lifetime hunting experience, Raymer acknowledges that it is something he may never witness again.