A young man in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, was subjected to a brutal assault and humiliation as a group of men beat him and urinated on him. The incident, which took place on November 13, came to light after a video of the incident went viral on social media. One person has been arrested in connection with the incident, and a police case has been filed.
In the video, the assailants can be seen drinking and mercilessly beating the victim. Shockingly, one of them even urinates on him. The victim can be heard pleading with them not to record his humiliation. According to the victim’s family, two of his friends were among the attackers.
The man initially did not inform his family about the humiliating act. When he returned home the following morning, bruised and battered, he only told them about the physical assault. It was only when the video surfaced a few days later that he revealed the full extent of the incident.
The victim’s father, who works as a line man in the electricity department, expressed his shock and concern for his son. He explained that his son was visiting his aunt for Diwali when the men accosted him, took him to a secluded place, and carried out the assault. He also mentioned that the attackers threatened to kill his son if he disclosed the incident.
The family became worried when the man failed to return home that night. They were relieved when he showed up the next morning, although visibly injured. The revelation of the video further shocked them.
According to the victim’s father, four of the attackers have been identified, and they have a history of criminal activities and previous jail time. A First Information Report (FIR) has been filed against seven people, with four of them identified. The police have already arrested the main accused. The motive behind the attack is still unknown.
This incident highlights the urgent need for stricter measures to ensure the safety and security of individuals. Such heinous acts of violence and humiliation should not be tolerated, and the perpetrators must be brought to justice.