Former heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson may have to pay a hefty sum of 350,000 pounds (over Rs 3 crores) to a man he punched on a plane last year. The incident, which took place on a JetBlue flight from San Francisco in April 2022, was captured on video and showed Tyson assaulting passenger Melvin Townsend. The footage revealed Tyson leaning over his seat and repeatedly striking Townsend, leaving him with bruises and bleeding. At the time, Tyson’s representative claimed that the passenger had been aggressive and provoked the former champion.
Now, a year later, Townsend is seeking 350,000 pounds in damages to cover his extensive medical expenses resulting from the altercation. According to TMZ, a letter from Townsend’s legal team stated that he suffered head and neck pain, loss of consciousness, concussion, and a contusion on his head. Additionally, Townsend allegedly experienced nausea, headaches, depression, memory issues, sleep problems, mood disturbances, vertigo, and compromised vision following the violent incident.
It has been reported that Townsend did not have medical insurance at the time of the incident, resulting in significant out-of-pocket costs. He is still undergoing treatment for his injuries, including visits to neurologists, psychologists, and a back pain specialist.
Townsend’s legal representatives have sent a letter to Tyson’s team outlining their demands and have threatened to file a lawsuit if an agreement cannot be reached.
However, Tyson’s lawyer has rejected the settlement offer, stating that he received a “shakedown letter” related to the incident and subsequent harassment of Tyson. The lawyer made it clear that no payment would be made.
It is worth noting that Tyson did not face any criminal charges for punching Townsend on the plane. In 2022, the San Mateo County District Attorney stated that no charges would be filed against Tyson as he had been provoked by Townsend before the incident occurred.