In the war-torn town of Andriivka, Ukraine, a young man with a mohawk, tattoos, and piercings emerged from a basement, bleeding from his stomach. Known as ‘Cossack’ due to his resemblance to 17th-century Ukrainian fighters, he entered an ambulance, grinning and sharing his story. He revealed that during the recent Russian shelling, they had only managed to kill one of their own prisoners. With the constant threat of artillery fire, the medics had to transport injured soldiers in a soft-skinned ambulance, as they had run out of armored vehicles. The soldiers in the area claim that the Russian recruits replacing the Wagner group are less well-trained and more likely to flee. The soldiers also revealed that Wagner had used unarmed prisoners as ammunition carriers, a tactic that proved uncomfortably effective. Since the departure of Wagner, the quality of Russian soldiers has declined, and they are more prone to fleeing or letting their lines break under pressure. Despite the challenges, the Ukrainian soldiers have achieved notable successes in their counteroffensive. The soldiers also face an enemy within, as many locals still see them as the enemy and provide information to the Russians. The arrival of U.S.-made cluster munitions has provided a major boost to the Ukrainian forces, although the weapons are controversial due to their long-lasting hazardous effects on civilians. The soldiers fear a longer war, as they believe they are at their total limit, while the Russians have millions of men they can mobilize. The Ukrainian gains in the area have slowed, and the Russians have launched their own offensive, which has largely been beaten back. The soldiers predict a hot winter as the conflict continues. While the Ukrainians have inflicted heavy losses on the Russians, it is evident that the Russians still have combat capability in the area.
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