CNN’s Dana Bash was left stunned by the shocking findings of George Santos’ ethics investigation, which was launched by the House Ethics Committee in March. The report, described by Bash as “remarkable,” revealed a series of damning details about the U.S. House representative for New York’s 3rd congressional district.
Bash, joined by journalist Manu Raju reporting live from Capitol Hill, highlighted the report’s sharp and blunt nature, leaving no room for ambiguity. According to the investigation, Santos sustained his actions through a continuous stream of lies to his constituents, donors, and staff about his background and experience.
Raju further emphasized that the report accused Santos of attempting to exploit every aspect of his House candidacy for personal financial gain. He deceived donors, leading them to believe their contributions were for his campaign when, in reality, they were used for his own benefit. Additionally, Santos was found to have blatantly stolen from his campaign.
The bipartisan House committee initiated the investigation to determine if Santos engaged in unlawful activities during his 2022 campaign. This included potential violations of federal conflict of interest laws and improper completion of his House financial disclosure forms.
Raju revealed that Chairman Michael Guest, a Republican, is expected to file a resolution to expel Santos from the House, requiring a two-thirds majority for success. The question now arises: will Guest be able to gather enough support?
In a surprising turn of events, Santos announced his decision not to seek reelection in 2024. This comes despite his previous assertion that he would run if expelled.
The shocking revelations of Santos’ ethics investigation have left CNN’s Dana Bash astounded, with the report’s findings painting a clear picture of wrongdoing. The resolution to expel Santos from the House now awaits the support of a two-thirds majority.