Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has reiterated his belief that it was a mistake to initiate negotiations on Ukraine’s entry into the European Union, asserting that Ukraine is not yet prepared for such a step. Speaking at the Fidesz party conference, Orbán outlined his vision for the EU, predicting upcoming political battles within the bloc.
Orbán highlighted the need for budget reforms and the reassessment of the decision to start negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the EU. He argued that Ukraine is still far from meeting the necessary criteria for EU membership, stating that it remains “light years away” from integration.
“We are resisting the manipulations of Brussels bureaucrats, the influx of migrants, gender propaganda, the illusions of war, Ukraine’s unqualified membership in the EU, and the growing alignment between green ideologies and communism or even Jacobinism,” Orbán asserted.
While Orbán emphasized the need for change within the EU, he expressed his opposition to Hungary’s withdrawal from the bloc. Instead, he advocated for radical transformations to prevent the EU from disintegrating. He warned against Europe and Hungary becoming “open-air museums,” calling for the preservation of their dynamic nature.
Hungary has recently intensified its threats to obstruct the start of negotiations on Ukraine’s EU membership due to reported infringements on the rights of the Hungarian-speaking minority in Ukraine. The Hungarian government has also launched consultations with its citizens to gauge their support for Ukraine’s accession to the EU.
Source: European Pravda, as reported by the pro-government Hungarian media outlet Magyar Hirlap.
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