A 16-year-old queer artist from Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, tragically died by suicide after receiving thousands of hate comments on an Instagram reel they had posted, according to claims made by an actor. The artist, named Pranshu, was a self-taught makeup artist who ran an Instagram account where they shared makeup and beauty content. On Diwali, Pranshu posted a reel of their transition in a saree.
Trinetra Haldar Gummaraju, an actor from the web series “Made In Heaven,” alleged that the artist’s comment section was inundated with over 4,000 homophobic remarks, which pushed them to take their own life. Pranshu had a following of more than 16,500 on their Instagram account, “glamitupwithpranshu.”
Trinetra criticized online platforms like Instagram, owned by Meta, for repeatedly failing to provide a safe space for LGBTQ individuals. They also claimed that the hashtag #JusticeForPranshu “has no posts because some violate community guidelines.”
Members of the LGBTQ community expressed their sorrow and denounced platforms like Instagram, X, and Facebook for their inadequate efforts in combating cyberbullying.
The police station in-charge of Nagjhiri, KS Gehlot, stated that the exact cause of the suicide is still under investigation. Gehlot also mentioned that he had personally witnessed the platforms ignoring significant research, which indicated that millions of teenagers were facing safety issues while using Meta’s apps.
The tragic incident highlights the urgent need for social media platforms to prioritize the safety and well-being of their users, particularly those from marginalized communities.