Doctors at AIIMS Delhi have successfully removed a needle from the left lung of a seven-year-old boy using a magnet, according to the hospital. The needle, which was 4 cm long, had become embedded in the lung and presented a challenge due to the limited space for surgical instruments. The boy was admitted to AIIMS after experiencing coughing with bleeding. Radiological tests revealed the presence of a sewing machine needle deep in his left lung. Dr. Vishesh Jain, an Additional Professor in the Department of Paediatric Surgery, obtained a magnet from a contact in Chandni Chowk market that was ideal for the procedure. Dr. Devendra Kumar Yadav, another Additional Professor in the department, explained that the needle was located so deeply within the lung that traditional methods would have been ineffective. The surgical team carefully planned the procedure, using an endoscopy to locate the needle’s tip within the lung. They then inserted the magnet-tipped instrument, which caused the needle to respond to the magnetic force and smoothly emerge from its hiding place. Dr. Jain stated that if this method had not worked, they would have had to resort to a more invasive and difficult traditional method of opening the chest and lungs to extract the needle. The family of the boy could not provide any information on how the needle ended up in his lung.
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