Cohen Warns of Potential Hazards in Incarcerating Trump

Cohen Warns of Potential Hazards in Incarcerating Trump

Former President Trump’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, has expressed concerns about the potential dangers of putting his former boss behind bars and instead proposed a strict house arrest as an alternative. Cohen, who has turned against Trump and served as a key witness in multiple court cases against him, believes that while accountability is necessary, imprisoning the former president could jeopardize national security. Cohen stated that Trump, having been regularly briefed on national security secrets during his presidency, could potentially sell sensitive information for personal gain.

One of the ongoing legal cases involving Trump is a New York business fraud trial, in which he and his adult sons are accused of manipulating their asset values in financial statements. Although Trump is not at risk of jail time in this trial, he could face imprisonment in four other criminal cases in the coming months. These cases include allegations of attempting to remain in power after losing the 2020 election, mishandling classified documents after leaving the White House, and making a hush money payment to a former adult film actress.

Cohen emphasized the dangers of allowing Trump access to information while in a prison environment, citing his previous sharing of information with members of Mar-a-Lago. Instead, Cohen suggested a strict house arrest with limited visitors and no trips to the golf course as a preferred alternative.

Cohen has previously predicted that the New York business fraud trial would have severe financial consequences for Trump, as prosecutors are seeking $250 million in damages and a ban on his business operations in New York. During his testimony as a star witness in the trial, Cohen described feeling no emotions while facing Trump and his son Eric, whom he had previously maintained a relationship with. He described Trump as a sad-looking and deflated individual.

Trump’s legal team began their defense in the business fraud trial on Monday and is expected to file a motion for a mistrial.