Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu’s son, Karan Sidhu, recently got married to Inayat Randhawa in Patiala. Sidhu, a former cricketer, took to social media platform X (formerly Twitter) to share pictures from the joyous occasion. The photos show Karan wearing a light pink sherwani while his bride is dressed in a pink lehenga. Both can be seen smiling and sharing light-hearted moments during the ceremony. One of the pictures also captures the families of the couple sitting together. Sidhu’s wife, Navjot Kaur Sidhu, who recently recovered from cancer, is also present in the photos.
“Son’s Wedding Day….. ‘Cup of Joy’!!” the Congress leader wrote alongside the pictures. The couple and their families received numerous congratulations on social media.
In June of this year, Sidhu introduced his future daughter-in-law to the world by sharing her pictures on Twitter. He posted a few images from a trip he took with his family on the occasion of Durga Ashtami. One photo shows Sidhu posing with his wife, daughter, son, and Inayat Randhawa, the newest member of their family, on the banks of the river Ganges. Another image captures Karan and Inayat smiling as they pose for photographs.
“The son honors the most cherished desire of his beloved mother…. On this auspicious Durga-Ashtami day in the lap of mother Ganges, a new beginning, introducing our would-be daughter-in-law Inayat Randhawa. They exchanged promise bands,” Sidhu wrote while sharing the family photos.
The wedding has garnered much attention and well-wishes from the public, with many expressing their happiness for the couple and their families.