A tragic incident unfolded in France as a father confessed to the killing of his three young daughters. The 41-year-old man turned himself in at the police station in the coastal town of Dieppe, informing authorities about the heinous act he had committed. The local public prosecutor confirmed that the girls, aged four, 10, and 11, were found dead in the family’s home in Alfortville, a suburb of Paris.
According to a police source, two of the children were fatally stabbed and discovered under a cover, while the third was found lifeless on a sofa. The initial findings of the investigation revealed these distressing details. The father had a history of domestic violence, having been convicted in 2021. Although a restraining order had been issued against him, it was later lifted.
Upon surrendering himself, the man was taken into police custody. The prosecutors stated that they are holding him for further questioning and investigation. This heart-wrenching incident has left the community in shock and mourning for the loss of these young lives.
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