Mental Health Expert Weighs In on the Potential Benefits of Sour Candy for Panic Attacks

Mental Health Expert Weighs In on the Potential Benefits of Sour Candy for Panic Attacks

Panic attacks can be a distressing symptom of anxiety or fear, often occurring unexpectedly and causing intense physical and emotional stress. However, one TikTok user claims to have discovered a trick that can help calm these attacks. Taylor, the host of the “Taylor Talking” podcast, went viral on TikTok after sharing her experience of eating a Warhead sour candy to stop an oncoming panic attack, following the advice of her therapist.

A panic attack is triggered by a specific part of the brain called the amygdala, according to FOLX Health clinician Melissa Miller. The amygdala is responsible for processing emotions and activating the body’s fight or flight response through the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS). However, the amygdala can sometimes have difficulty distinguishing between real and imagined dangers, leading to a panic attack when there is no actual threat present.

The symptoms of a panic attack can vary from person to person but commonly include heart palpitations, shortness of breath, gastrointestinal distress, dizziness, fear of dying, and a sense of derealization. Miller explains that focusing on the panic attack can exacerbate the symptoms, making it challenging to alleviate the distress.

Miller suggests that eating sour candy during a panic attack acts as a grounding technique, distracting the brain from the spiral of fear and helping it understand that there is no real danger. By introducing a different sensation, the sour candy disrupts the panic attack and allows the individual to regain control. Other grounding techniques include deep and mindful breathing, holding and describing a melting ice cube, or using alternative disruptors like Altoids, ice cubes, sour Skittles, Listerine melts, or lemons.

Ultimately, the goal is to bring the person back to the present moment, de-escalating the physical sensations of the panic attack. Miller emphasizes that using a grounding technique, such as eating sour candy, is most effective when combined with an understanding of why panic attacks occur and using reassuring mantras like “I am not in real danger” or “My panic will pass.”

The TikTok video by Taylor sparked a discussion among viewers, with many sharing their own disruptors for panic attacks. The use of a grounding technique, like sour candy, not only helps alleviate the panic attack but also provides a sense of reward and satisfaction.

Overall, therapists are encouraging coping mechanisms like eating sour candy to help individuals manage panic attacks. By understanding the mechanisms behind panic attacks and employing grounding techniques, individuals can regain control and find relief from their symptoms.