Just days before leading a historic strike against the Big Three automakers, Shawn Fain, president of the United Auto Workers (UAW), delivered an extraordinary speech that blended his Christian faith with the demands of the labor movement. Fain, described as a middle-aged man who could pass for a high school science teacher, warned auto workers about the need to strike, citing the resistance of automaker CEOs who made massive profits while neglecting the needs of workers.
In his speech, Fain referenced scripture, specifically Matthew 17:20–21, where Jesus tells his disciples that faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. He argued that organizing and making bold demands of automakers was an act of faith in each other. Fain’s use of scripture to justify the strike is reminiscent of the Social Gospel movement that emerged in the late 19th century as a response to inequality and unethical business practices.
The Social Gospel movement aimed to use religion as a tool for economic and political reform. Its leaders supported campaigns for better working conditions, the breaking up of corporate monopolies, and the abolition of child labor. They preached from pulpits, lectured across the country, and wrote influential books.
Fain’s sermonette highlights a trend that is often overlooked: the resurgence of the Social Gospel movement. While media attention tends to focus on narratives of White Christian nationalism, there is another form of Christianity that is shaping our politics. Leaders like Fain, Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock, independent presidential candidate Cornel West, the Rev. William Barber II, the Rev. Liz Theoharis, and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Matthew Desmond are all carrying on the torch of the Social Gospel in various ways. They argue that Christian deeds are more important than creeds and that unfettered capitalism contradicts Christian teachings.
This resurgent form of the Social Gospel is influencing public opinion and policy. More Americans now view Big Tech monopolies as a threat to prosperity, support a higher federal minimum wage, and believe in government assistance for those in need. These shifts in attitudes reflect the impact of the Social Gospel movement.
Fain, in particular, embodies this shift in thinking. Throughout the UAW strike, he consistently used Christian rhetoric, emphasizing Jesus’ solidarity with workers. Historians and scholars see parallels between Fain’s speeches and the tradition of the Social Gospel movement.
The Social Gospel movement has a rich history of aligning faith with the pursuit of social justice. It has shaped debates on issues like healthcare, minimum wage, and attitudes toward the poor. Leaders like Sen. Warnock and the Rev. Barber use scripture to advocate for policies that address these issues.
Even in unexpected places, such as academia, the Social Gospel is making an impact. Matthew Desmond, an Ivy League professor and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, challenges the perception of poverty in America. He argues that poverty is not solely an individual’s failure, but a result of a system that benefits from keeping certain citizens poor. Desmond’s work aligns with the principles of the Social Gospel movement.
In conclusion, the resurgent Social Gospel movement is influencing our politics and reshaping perspectives on issues of inequality and social justice. Leaders like Fain, Warnock, Barber, and Desmond are using their faith to advocate for change and challenge the status quo. By blending scripture with the demands of the labor movement, they demonstrate that Christian principles can guide efforts towards a more just and equitable society.