Title: Pakistani Girl Fatally Attacked by Family for Dancing in Viral Video with Boy
In a tragic incident believed to be an honor killing, an 18-year-old girl lost her life in Pakistan’s Kohistan region after her own family orchestrated the attack. The motive behind this gruesome act was a viral social media video showing the girl dancing with a boy. Fortunately, the girl’s companion, who also appeared in the video, narrowly escaped a similar fate thanks to timely police intervention.
According to reports, the girl’s family executed the killing based on the orders of a local jirga, a traditional council of elders. Another girl who was seen in the same video was also sentenced to death by the jirga but was rescued by the police before the sentence could be carried out.
The murder of the girl has sparked widespread outrage across Pakistan, with many demanding an end to honor killings. District Police Officer (DPO) Mukhtiar Tanoli, speaking to ARY News, stated that the police are currently investigating the incident and have apprehended the family members involved.
As a result of the escalating violent situation, the boy seen in the video has gone into hiding, fearing for his life.
The girl’s body was transferred to a nearby health facility for medical-legal procedures and later returned to the family.
Police authorities have revealed that the other girl in the video has expressed no fear for her life from her family and has chosen to stay with them.
“We have initiated an investigation to identify those responsible for the girl’s murder and those who advised or convened the jirga and sentenced her to death,” a senior police official informed Geo TV.
The incident highlights the urgent need for society to address and eradicate the heinous practice of honor killings.