The trailer for the film “Animal” was released on Thursday, showcasing a fierce and determined Ranbir Kapoor seeking revenge for the shooting of his father. Directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, the trailer portrays the troubled relationship between Ranbir Kapoor’s character and his father, played by Anil Kapoor. Ranbir’s character has always idolized his father, but his love has never been reciprocated. This leads to Ranbir’s transformation into a villain, with his quest for revenge consuming him.
The trailer also introduces Geetanjali, played by Rashmika Mandanna, who tries to reason with Ranbir’s character, telling him that he is fighting a ghost in his head. However, Ranbir remains relentless in his pursuit of vengeance, resorting to violence if necessary. The shooting of his father further fuels his desire for revenge, with his primary target being Bobby Deol. The trailer ends with intense action sequences between Ranbir Kapoor and Bobby Deol.
Originally, “Animal” was scheduled to release on August 11, but the makers decided to shift the release date to December. This avoided a clash with Sunny Deol’s “Gadar 2” and Akshay Kumar and Pankaj Tripathi’s “OMG 2.” “Gadar 2” was a blockbuster at the box office, while “OMG 2” achieved moderate success.
Directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, “Animal” features an ensemble cast including Ranbir Kapoor, Rashmika Mandanna, Anil Kapoor, Bobby Deol, and Triptii Dimri in pivotal roles. The film is set to release on December 1.