In a heroic act at Vapi station in Gujarat, a Railway security guard saved an elderly man from a potentially fatal accident. The incident, which took place on Tuesday, was caught on CCTV cameras installed at the station.
The footage shows numerous individuals engaging in the dangerous practice of crossing tracks to move between platforms, a common occurrence across the country. In the video, one person can be seen struggling to get onto the platform, and a Government Railway Police (GRP) guard comes to their aid.
Meanwhile, an elderly man can be observed crossing the tracks just as the Surat-Bandra Terminus Intercity train approaches the station at around 6 pm. However, the man stumbles and falls between the tracks as the train draws nearer.
In a daring move, the GRP personnel jumps off the platform and rushes towards the elderly man. With mere meters separating them from the oncoming train, the guard grabs hold of the man and pulls him away from the tracks, averting a tragedy. The train passes by safely, and the guard then assists the elderly passenger back to the platform.
Despite fines and repeated warnings against crossing tracks, the Railways has struggled to curb this dangerous practice. Passengers, including women and children, often take this risky shortcut to save a few minutes. Over the years, CCTV cameras installed at various stations have captured numerous incidents where security personnel and bystanders risk their own safety to rescue passengers who trip in front of approaching trains.
This incident serves as a reminder of the bravery and sense of duty displayed by railway security guards, who put their lives on the line to protect passengers. It also highlights the urgent need for greater awareness and stricter enforcement of railway safety regulations to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.