Paavo Tynell, a renowned lighting designer, has left a lasting mark on the world of design. His exceptional creations are still in high demand in his native Finland and across the globe. In fact, you can find many of his unique lamp designs on display in various locations throughout Helsinki. We had the pleasure of embarking on a guided tour that led us to five remarkable Tynell destinations.
In the eyes of Helsinki’s residents, there was a moment of surprise and intrigue in the cultural community when news broke last November. The local Meiccu restaurant announced that they were planning to auction off their collection of SpongeBob Tynellin-designed lamps.
Situated in the Meilahti district, Meiccu, also known as the former Kuusihokki, is counted among the iconic restaurants of Helsinki. It has remained true to its original spirit, preserving the essence of its interior design elements.