Top Shower Filters for Promoting Healthy Skin and Hair in 2023

Top Shower Filters for Promoting Healthy Skin and Hair in 2023

Many countries, including the United States, have established guidelines to ensure the examination and regulation of harmful chemicals in drinking water and overall water quality.

In the US, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has enforceable standards for different types of pollutants in drinking water. They also address secondary concerns such as skin irritation and effects on hair. Local water suppliers are required to produce a Consumer Confidence Report annually, and the EPA provides a public database where individuals can easily access the most recent tap water report for their area. By reading the report, individuals can check for any worrisome pollutant levels in their water. If any contaminants exceed the legal limit, the community will be notified.

To mitigate the risk of lead contamination, individuals can simply run the tap water for a few minutes before using it. The most dangerous levels of lead accumulate when water has been sitting in home pipes overnight. Flushing the water out of the lines can minimize this risk.

In terms of drinking water, even if it smells and tastes fine, it may still contain harmful chemicals. The primary concerns in shower water include toxic metals, chlorine (used as a disinfectant), and the byproducts that chlorine creates when reacting with other chemicals in the water. These pollutants can significantly impact the shower experience.

Toxic metals commonly found in water include arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury, which are all listed as “chemicals of major health concern” by the World Health Organization.

Lead is particularly concerning as it slowly corrodes home plumbing systems, allowing the toxic metal to seep into the water. Children are especially vulnerable to lead exposure, with reports suggesting they can absorb up to 50% of their lead intake through drinking water. Even at low levels, lead exposure can cause irreversible neurological issues, emphasizing the importance of water quality.

Chlorine used as a disinfectant in drinking water also poses a health concern. The byproducts formed when chlorine reacts with natural organic matter in the water, known as THMs, are harmful chemicals. Chloroform is one example of a common THM, and high levels of THMs act as carcinogens.

A study found that people absorb more THMs from a 10-minute hot shower than from drinking a liter of water. To address this concern, using a shower filtration system that actively removes chlorine can be beneficial.

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