A pod of orcas launched an aggressive attack on a yacht named the “Grazzie Mamma II” in the Strait of Gibraltar, as reported by a tour company. The incident took place on October 31, with the killer whales relentlessly attacking the vessel for a staggering 45 minutes.
Once again, orcas, commonly known as killer whales, have exhibited their inexplicable aversion towards boats. For several months now, these marine creatures have been targeting boats, particularly yachts, off the coasts of Spain and Morocco, causing some to sink to the ocean floor. Morskie Mile, a Polish touring company, shared the unfortunate experience of its yacht on Facebook. The company disclosed that while sailing through the Strait of Gibraltar, the “Grazzie Mamma II” fell victim to a pod of orcas. The post revealed that the orcas, which can reach lengths of up to 30 feet, aggressively attacked the boat’s steering fin for 45 minutes, resulting in severe damage.
Fortunately, the crew members were unharmed; however, the yacht ultimately sank near the entrance to Tanger-Med, a Moroccan port. Scientists have put forward various theories to explain this behavior, suggesting that orcas might be responding to past trauma or simply engaging in playful activities, as observed when a pod in the Pacific Northwest spent weeks swimming with dead salmon balanced on their heads. Regardless of the cause, these attacks have been occurring for several years. Since 2020, researchers have recorded hundreds of incidents, although most are classified as minor collisions rather than full-fledged assaults.
Insider reached out to Morskie Mile for comment, but the company has yet to respond. Nevertheless, in their Facebook post, the company expressed gratitude for the cherished memories created aboard the yacht prior to the encounter with the orcas. “We sailed on this yacht around the most beautiful places in Europe and the Atlantic archipelagos,” the company said. “The love for the sea always prevails.”
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