Two Indian Air Force pilots lost their lives today in a tragic plane crash in Telangana’s Medak district. The incident occurred during a routine training sortie of a Pilatus PC 7 Mk II aircraft that had taken off from the Air Force Academy (AFA) in Hyderabad. An investigation has been initiated to determine the cause of the accident.
According to the Indian Air Force, the aircraft crashed with a trainer and a trainee pilot on board. Both pilots sustained fatal injuries and did not survive the crash. In a statement on Twitter, the Indian Air Force expressed deep regret over the incident and confirmed that no damage was done to any civilian life or property.
The Pilatus PC 7 Mk II aircraft is a single-engine aircraft used for basic training of IAF pilots. The Air Force has ordered a court of inquiry to thoroughly investigate the accident and uncover the factors that led to this tragic event.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh conveyed his condolences to the families of the pilots and expressed his anguish over the accident near Hyderabad. He stated, “It is deeply saddening that two pilots have lost their lives. In this tragic hour, my thoughts are with the bereaved families.”
The loss of these pilots is a significant blow to the Indian Air Force, and the entire nation mourns their untimely demise. The investigation will play a crucial role in preventing similar accidents and ensuring the safety of pilots during training sorties.