Taraja Ramsess, a renowned stuntman who has worked on films like “Avengers: Endgame” and “Black Panther,” tragically lost his life in a car accident in Georgia along with three of his children. The incident occurred on Halloween night when Ramsess, 41, was driving with his five children in a pickup truck on the Interstate in DeKalb County. As reported by TMZ, he turned onto an exit ramp and collided with a tractor-trailer, resulting in the fatal crash. The authorities are currently investigating the cause of the accident.
At the scene of the accident, Taraja Ramsess was pronounced dead, along with his two daughters: 13-year-old Sundari and 8-week-old newborn daughter Fujibo. Sadly, Ramsess’ 10-year-old son, who was on life support, also succumbed to his injuries, as confirmed by his mother, Akili.
In a heartfelt post, Akili shared that Taraja Ramsess was a loving father who adored his children. She described him as someone who had a passion for martial arts, motorcycles, and everything related to filmmaking. Akili also mentioned his unique sense of humor, which could range from dry and witty to silly and corny.
It was revealed that two of Ramsess’ daughters survived the accident. One of them, a three-year-old, was hospitalized with minor injuries.
Taraja Ramsess had an impressive career in the film industry, having worked on projects like “The Suicide Squad,” “Atlanta,” and “Creed III.” According to Variety, he also contributed to the art department in films such as “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire,” and television series like “The Walking Dead” and “The Vampire Diaries.”
This tragic incident has left the entertainment industry and fans mourning the loss of a talented stuntman and his children. The investigation into the accident is ongoing, and further details are awaited.