Two young girls tragically lost their lives after being trapped in an abandoned ice cream freezer while playing in their home in Rajsamand district, Rajasthan. The incident occurred on Thursday afternoon in the Khamnor area, where the cousins were engaged in a game of hide-and-seek. Unfortunately, they sought refuge in an unused freezer, which led to their suffocation as the door closed from the outside.
The family became alarmed when they realized that the girls had been missing for an extended period. They initiated a search and ultimately discovered their lifeless bodies inside the freezer. The local police, led by SHO Bhawani Shankar, were informed of the distressing incident.
On Friday, following a post-mortem examination, the authorities released the bodies to the grieving family. The tragic accident has left the community in shock and grief. It serves as a reminder of the importance of ensuring the safety of children during playtime.
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