Trump Applauds Strength of Foreign Dictators and Criticizes ‘Weak’ Biden in Iowa Address

Trump Applauds Strength of Foreign Dictators and Criticizes ‘Weak’ Biden in Iowa Address

Former President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping during a campaign rally in Fort Dodge, Iowa, just days after Xi’s historic visit to the US. Trump called Xi “a great guy” and described him as “fierce” and “smart,” contrasting him with President Joe Biden, whom Trump referred to as “weak” and “a very stupid person.” Biden had previously labeled Xi as a “dictator” after meeting with him in California.

During the rally, Trump acknowledged that the press didn’t appreciate his positive comments about Xi, but he praised his ability to govern 1.4 billion people with an iron hand. The event, officially called a “commit to caucus event,” was Trump’s only appearance in Iowa that week, the first state to cast votes in the 2024 presidential primary. Attendees eagerly lined up outside the venue, with several stands selling “Trump 2024” merchandise.

In addition to praising Xi, Trump also spoke favorably about Russian President Vladimir Putin and Hungarian President Viktor Orbán, referring to them as some of the “strongest leaders” in the world. He even boasted about a conversation he had with Abdul Ghani Baradar, a Taliban leader in Afghanistan, where Baradar addressed him as “your excellency.” Trump humorously questioned whether Biden receives the same title.

Biden, on the other hand, has criticized Putin as a “murderous dictator” and Orbán as a “thug.” During his hour-long speech, Trump claimed to be “the only candidate” who could prevent World War III. He heavily criticized Biden, labeling him a “Manchurian candidate” and perpetuating the false claim that the 2020 presidential election was rigged.

Before Trump took the stage, a Baptist pastor delivered a prayer asking for God’s strength to combat opponents who are “in opposition to you, almighty God.” A state senator introduced Trump, promising attendees a sense of peace and calm as they listened to the accompanying music. Trump received a warm welcome with raucous applause and chants of “U-S-A!”

Trump repeatedly referred to the 2020 election as “rigged” and insisted that he had won, despite losing the popular vote by over 7 million and the Electoral College by 74 votes. He urged his followers to remember the election and warned against ignoring history.

Known for his use of superlatives, Trump labeled the US withdrawal from Afghanistan as the “worst period of time” in the country’s history. He also claimed that the economy under his administration was the strongest ever and that the US-Mexico border was the best it had ever been. However, he criticized Biden for the current state of the border, calling it the worst in the world.

Trump didn’t hold back in criticizing his Republican challengers either. He pointed to polls showing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis losing support in Iowa and New Hampshire, calling it an unprecedented fall. He also referred to DeSantis as “disloyal” and used profanity to describe him. Trump refused to mention Nikki Haley by name, instead calling her “Birdbrain” and criticizing her for entering the race after initially saying she wouldn’t.

Trump concluded his speech with harsh criticisms of Biden, calling him “crooked” and “the worst.” He accused Biden of allowing Russia to invade Ukraine and of “weaponizing law enforcement for high-level election interference,” a claim without substantial evidence. Trump outlined his plans for his first day back in office, including the completion of the US-Mexico border wall, travel bans for “terror-plagued countries,” and implementing ideological screening for immigrants.

After his speech, Trump signed merchandise for supporters in the front rows, receiving applause and chants of his name. Attendees praised Trump’s uplifting and positive message, with one supporter stating that he brought the country back to what it used to be. Trump continues to lead in national polls of Republican voters, with a significant gap between him and his closest challengers, DeSantis and Haley. In Iowa, he maintains a 25-percentage-point lead, ahead of the state’s upcoming voting date on January 15th.