The unfolding narrative in the story is immersed in a deep darkness, reflecting the bleakness of the society being depicted. This darkness is mirrored in the stage design of the Munich National Theater, which is painted black and minimally adorned with only a few props. This stark setting is the backdrop for Director Benedict Andrews’ new rendition of “Queen of Spades”. The story is a musical adaptation by Peter I. Tchaikovsky of Alexander Pushkin’s novella, sharing the same title.
The plot revolves around a desolate officer, whose sanity disintegrates progressively as he is confronted with a choice between love and an obsession with gambling. He ultimately succumbs to his passion for gambling, descending further into the abyss. This tormented character’s story is presented to the audience with a dire atmosphere that permeates every aspect of the production.
Despite the enveloping darkness, the director and the composer ingeniously inject a single beam of hope into the narrative with the character of Lisa. Her character represents a beacon of hope, standing out starkly against the surrounding gloom. In Munich, Lisa’s character resonates even more strongly due to the extraordinary performance by Asmik Grigorian. Grigorian, a highly coveted soprano, shares the limelight with the likes of Anna Netrebko, enhancing the overall impact of the character on the audience.