House Prioritizes Human Resources as Most Important Issue

House Prioritizes Human Resources as Most Important Issue

Oberbank is actively implementing numerous strategies to remedy its staff shortage. Among these strategies, part-time employment opportunities have been considered.

The Upper Austrian company, Oberbank, currently employs over 2,000 people. Approximately one-third of these employees work part-time. Even though the company offers a plethora of social benefits, according to its long-standing Chief Executive Officer Franz Gasselsberger, there are still a few vacancies that remain unfilled.

Gasselsberger, in a conversation with KURIER, expressed that the issue of staff shortage cannot be resolved solely by enhancing the benefits. He emphasized the need for companies to adapt to the demographic changes. He suggested that companies cannot solely rely on political entities to provide solutions like free childcare services. “In the last four to five years, human resource issues have become the most important issue in the company.”

To address the employee shortage, Gasselsberger has adopted several strategies. One of these strategies includes reducing staff turnover, which has been successfully implemented. “We are significantly better here than the industry average.” “90 to 95 percent of the managers come from our own ranks.”

Another strategy being employed by Gasselsberger is the active encouragement of women to take on more leadership roles. The percentage of women in management positions has increased to 28 percent, and it is expected that this figure will surpass 30 percent in the coming year.

Approximately one-third of Oberbank’s employees are part-time workers

However, Gasselsberger’s primary focus is on part-time workers. He believes that the notion that part-time workers are not interested in working more hours is a myth. To debunk this myth, Oberbank, in collaboration with the works council and the union, has initiated an internal campaign.

The goal of this campaign is to educate part-time employees about the potential lifetime earnings and pension benefits they could be missing out on. Furthermore, it emphasizes that financial stability should not solely rely on one’s life partner. Gasselsberger noted that “35 percent of partnerships break up”. If each part-time employee worked an additional two hours per week, it could potentially translate to 40 to 50 full-time positions.

Senior employees

Gasselsberger sees untapped potential in the company’s long-term employees. He is adamant that they should not opt for early retirement before reaching the statutory retirement age. He believes the company should not make them feel as though they are a financial burden due to their age.

Oberbank also relies on its existing employees to recruit new staff. “A quarter of all hiring is already done this way.”

Gasselsberger emphasized the importance of recognizing the value of work. “It doesn’t just mean money and a career, but also a sense of achievement, self-esteem and a social environment. Work is not the dark side of life.” He expressed his concern that the concept of performance has been completely undermined in Austria. “But there will always be a counterpoint to those who say that happiness lies in the 32-hour week.”