Devastating Event in the Northern Region: This evening (Tuesday), a distress call was received by the Magen David Adom (MDA) team based in Haifa. The call was from a nearby settlement, and it was regarding a young girl who was suffering from high fever and was found unresponsive. The girl, unfortunately, did not survive despite the emergency medical team’s best efforts to revive her through Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). She was declared deceased upon her arrival at the emergency room of Rambam Hospital. Initial tests conducted posthumously revealed that she had been infected with the flu.
The deceased was a six-year-old girl and a resident of a settlement in proximity to Haifa. She had been ill, experiencing fever and vomiting, for approximately two days before the tragic incident occurred. In the evening of the incident, she was being transported by her father to an emergency medical center due to her deteriorating health. However, during the journey, she collapsed. Her father immediately pulled over and began administering resuscitation efforts under the guidance of the MDA center.
The exact cause of the girl’s unfortunate demise is still to be confirmed. The hospital is awaiting the results of the blood cultures that were taken to aid in determining the cause.
The MDA’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) team, that had been dispatched to Hever El Hav, continued with the rigorous resuscitation operations and subsequently transported her to Rambam Children’s Hospital’s emergency room. The medical team did not cease their resuscitation efforts for over an hour, and also conducted multiple tests. For a brief moment, it appeared as though her heartbeat had returned. However, her condition quickly deteriorated once more, and, unfortunately, the medical team had no choice but to pronounce her dead.
Upon her admission to the hospital, an antigen test was conducted, which confirmed that she had been infected with the flu. The hospital is currently awaiting the results of her blood cultures. Preliminary assessments suggest that a severe infection, which caused her body to go into systemic failure, could potentially be one of the factors that led to her health’s rapid decline. The Ministry of Health has been informed about the case and will be updated with further details as they emerge.