Title: One Man’s Journey from Rage to Reflection: A Conversation with Mark Anthony Rissi
In a daring move, I reached out to Mark Anthony Rissi, a stranger on the cusp of federal prison, hoping to gain insights into his motivations for making threatening phone calls to government officials. Despite living miles apart, we discovered that we shared common ground as Vietnam-era veterans and recent widowers. Rissi, 65, a retired construction worker disabled from decades of injuries, and I, a former police officer and retired television reporter at 75 years young, embarked on an hour-long conversation that would challenge our preconceived notions.
Rissi, like many Americans, holds deep-rooted disdain for the state of the nation and blames the Democrats for it. His anger led him to target Clint Hickman, the Democratic chairman of the Maricopa County Supervisors in Arizona, and later, the state’s attorney general. Rissi fervently believed that election fraud had occurred, contrary to the audit results that declared the process fair. Fueled by his frustration, he left a series of threatening voicemails to express his outrage and demand accountability.
As I delved deeper into Rissi’s story, I pondered the question that haunts me daily: How can we save our country from self-destruction? The answer, I concluded, lies in communication and understanding. We must engage in civil dialogue instead of resorting to violence and hatred. The trust in our system is crucial for the preservation of our democratic society. Wearing long guns and threatening those with opposing views only tears the fabric of our nation apart. The impending doom can only be averted if we learn to negotiate and discuss our differences.
With this in mind, I sought to connect with Rissi on a personal level, hoping to bridge the gap between our perspectives. However, as I listened to his story, I realized that his anger and aggression overshadowed any remorse or contrition. Rissi blamed his emotional state, exacerbated by the death of his mother and his own health issues, as contributing factors to his actions. He claimed to have been inundated with misinformation and exaggerations about the election process in Arizona, leading to his misguided anger.
Despite his excuses, Rissi displayed no genuine remorse during our conversation. He admitted to using inappropriate language in his voicemail but attributed it to his alleged PTSD, claiming to have no memory of the call. His physical pain and reliance on medication further complicated his emotional state. When questioned about his beliefs, Rissi adamantly denied any wrongdoing and remained steadfast in his convictions. He viewed the Democrats as traitors and expressed unwavering support for Donald Trump, suspicious of any attempts to impeach or discredit him.
While Rissi’s views may be polarizing, it is essential to recognize that he does not consider himself a bad person. He emphasized his lack of involvement in illegal activities and his commitment to non-violence. However, it is crucial to address the potential harm that threats to politicians can cause, as they have ripple effects on society.
Our conversation revealed the deep divisions and mistrust that plague our nation. It highlighted the urgent need for open dialogue and empathy, even with those who hold opposing views. By engaging in respectful conversations, we can hope to bridge the gaps and find common ground. The future of America depends on our willingness to listen, understand, and work towards unity, rather than perpetuating division and hostility.