Former all-rounder Yuvraj Singh took to social media to wish Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli on his birthday. Kohli, who will be playing in a World Cup match against South Africa on his 35th birthday, had the privilege of sharing the dressing room with Yuvraj for a few years. Yuvraj posted an emotional message for Kohli, expressing his belief that Kohli was destined for greatness from the moment he joined the team as a young and ambitious player. Yuvraj praised Kohli for not only making a mark for himself but also inspiring countless others to strive for excellence. He wished Kohli to continue breaking and setting records and grow from strength to strength. Yuvraj also expressed his pride in sharing the journey with Kohli and hoped that his passion and determination would drive him and the Indian team to new heights in the World Cup.
On the occasion of Kohli’s birthday, the Cricket Association of Bengal (CAB) President Snehasish Ganguly announced that a small memento would be presented to Kohli during the game. Ganguly also mentioned the high demand for match tickets and the preparations made by CAB for Kohli’s birthday celebrations. A special cake has been prepared for Kohli, and there will be fireworks, light shows, and sound shows after the match.
The news article concludes with a mention of the source of the information, ANI, and the topics discussed in the article.