A 156-mile stretch of coastline in central California is on track to become a national marine sanctuary, managed jointly by the Chumash people, local tribal groups, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), according to a report by the Guardian. This would be the first tribally-nominated and tribally-led sanctuary on the U.S. mainland if it gets approved.
The proposed sanctuary is massive, covering 156 miles of coastline and 7,670 square miles of ocean. To put it into perspective, it is six times the size of Yosemite National Park. This vast area is under significant threat from climate change and pollution.
The acidity of the water off the California coastline is increasing at twice the rate of the rest of the ocean. Additionally, the region has already dealt with oil spills from pipelines and petrol tanks, urban stormwater and agricultural runoffs, and offshore oil drilling, which is still legal in California.
Stephen Palumbi, a professor of marine sciences at Stanford University, explained the importance of the sanctuary in protecting the marine life in the region. He highlighted three key roles that sanctuaries play. First, they act as a platform for different parties, such as fishing groups, landowners, and wildlife departments, to collaborate. Second, they have access to resources and funding from the federal government. Lastly, they combine local knowledge with administrative capabilities, resulting in a powerful combination.
An essential aspect of the proposed sanctuary is its ban on offshore oil drilling, as this activity is prohibited in sanctuaries. Other banned activities include waste discharge, seabed alteration, and disturbance of cultural resources.
The Chumash tribe formally submitted the proposal for the sanctuary in 2015, and it could receive designation as early as early 2024. The Guardian quotes Palumbi stating that all the necessary elements for the sanctuary are in place. The approval of the sanctuary has already garnered support, with 15 senators and members of Congress writing a letter urging its approval. Draft designation documents are available for public review, with public comments received until October 25.
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