House Ethics Committee Investigation Uncovers George Santos’ Misuse of Campaign Funds for Luxury Purchases by Brands like Ferragamo and Hermès

House Ethics Committee Investigation Uncovers George Santos’ Misuse of Campaign Funds for Luxury Purchases by Brands like Ferragamo and Hermès

A recent report from the House Ethics Committee has accused Representative George Santos of New York of engaging in fraudulent activities, including stealing funds from his campaign and deceiving donors. The report alleges that Santos used the campaign money to live a lavish lifestyle, purchasing luxury items from brands like Ferragamo and Hermès.

The report also states that Santos was an active participant in the misconduct and lacked candor during the investigation. It reveals that Santos had a significant amount of debt and relied on high-interest credit cards to fund his extravagant spending. The report highlights suspicious money transfers between his various bank accounts and large cash withdrawals for unknown purposes, totaling over $240,000.

One example of Santos’ alleged misuse of campaign funds was a $6,000 purchase from a Ferragamo store, which occurred shortly after a $20,000 transfer from his campaign. The same transfer was also used to pay undisclosed personal rent expenses. Additionally, the report mentions cash withdrawals of $800 from a casino ATM and $1,000 from an ATM near Santos’ apartment.

The report found other questionable expenditures, such as using campaign funds for personal purchases at Hermès, Only Fans, Sephora, and meals. It also identified unreported expenses related to spa services and cosmetic procedures, including Botox treatments.

Ferragamo has been contacted by Footwear News for comment on the matter.

In October 2022, another deposit from Santos’ campaign led to personal purchases, including paying off credit card bills and making a $4,127.80 purchase at Hermès. The report also mentions smaller purchases at Only Fans, Sephora, and expenses for meals and parking.

The Ethics Committee pointed out discrepancies in Santos’ campaign filings and highlighted correspondence between Santos and his former treasurer regarding fictitious loans and reporting issues. Despite the accusations, Santos did not respond to the Ethics Committee’s allegations and refused to be interviewed.

In response to the report, Santos took to social media to express his discontent, calling the investigation biased and claiming that it poisoned the ongoing investigation with the Department of Justice. He referred to the report as a “disgusting politicized smear” campaign and criticized the Ethics Committee for not exhibiting ethics in releasing the biased report. Santos also announced that he will not seek reelection for a second term in 2024.

The allegations against Representative George Santos raise serious concerns about campaign finance ethics and the misuse of funds. The House Ethics Committee’s report provides detailed evidence of Santos’ alleged fraudulent activities, shedding light on the need for stricter regulations and accountability in political campaigns.