Samsung Foundry has reportedly secured a contract from AMD to manufacture processors based on its Zen 5c microarchitecture using its 4nm-class process technology. This news, according to a report from South Korea-based Chosun Biz cited by DigiTimes, signifies a significant shift in AMD’s manufacturing strategy as it indicates a split in production between TSMC and Samsung Foundry for upcoming CPUs.
The report suggests that AMD will produce Zen 5c-based ‘Prometheus’ at both Samsung Foundry and TSMC. Samsung Foundry is expected to manufacture “basic” versions of Prometheus on its 4nm-class process technology, while TSMC will handle the production of “more advanced” versions on a 3nm-class production node. However, given the common practice of assigning different codenames for products using different process technologies, it is advisable to approach this information cautiously.
If the collaboration between AMD and Samsung Foundry materializes, it will diversify AMD’s chip production and strengthen Samsung Foundry’s position in the advanced chipmaking industry. Currently, only TSMC produces advanced CPUs for both AMD and Intel. This move by AMD can be seen as an attempt to mitigate risks associated with relying solely on a single supplier.
For Samsung Foundry, this opportunity to produce chips for AMD is a significant development. While it remains uncertain whether Samsung Foundry has indeed secured a major order from AMD, industry insiders are already speculating that this partnership could open doors to more opportunities for Samsung. If Samsung Foundry succeeds in manufacturing Zen 5c-based chips, AMD might consider utilizing Samsung’s 3nm-class technologies for future products.
In summary, the reported collaboration between AMD and Samsung Foundry for the production of Zen 5c-based processors marks a notable change in AMD’s manufacturing strategy. If realized, this partnership would diversify AMD’s chip production and bolster Samsung Foundry’s position in the advanced chipmaking market.