The Lok Sabha has passed the amended Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill, which aims to give a voice to those who have been marginalized for over 70 years, according to Union Home Minister Amit Shah. During the parliamentary debate on the bill, Shah emphasized that it seeks to provide justice to those who were forced to leave their homes and become refugees in different parts of the country. The bill specifically aims to provide representation for “Kashmiri Migrants,” “Displaced Persons from Pakistan-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir,” and Scheduled Tribes in the Jammu and Kashmir assembly.
Additionally, another bill will amend Section 2 of the Reservation Act to change the term “weak and underprivileged classes (social castes)” to “other backward classes.” Shah expressed his satisfaction that no one objected to the essential provisions of the bill, highlighting that one of the bills on Jammu and Kashmir aims to nominate two members from the Kashmiri migrant community, including a woman, to the assembly.
Shah also addressed the issue of terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir, stating that the government’s focus is to eliminate the terror ecosystem in the region. He mentioned that 45,000 people have lost their lives due to terrorism in the area and expressed his hope that by 2026, there will be no further terror incidents in Jammu and Kashmir. Shah emphasized the importance of granting rights to individuals with dignity, stating that the bill aims to provide justice and rights to those who have been mistreated and ignored. He emphasized the need to uplift the deprived members of society without diminishing their respect.