Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has been accused by a suspect in the alleged Mahadev App case of advising him to go to the UAE, according to sources. The case involves allegations of money laundering and the use of illegal funds during elections against Mr. Baghel, which has emerged just days before Chhattisgarh is set to vote. Chhattisgarh is the only state where the Congress party is considered to be on a strong footing.
The suspect, Shubham Soni, who is wanted by the Enforcement Directorate in a money laundering case, has reportedly made a video from Dubai, where he levels serious allegations against Mr. Baghel. Soni claims in the video that he went to Dubai on the advice of the Chief Minister. He also asserts that he is the true owner of Mahadev, the betting app that has come under scrutiny from central investigative agencies due to its substantial profits.
Recently, the Enforcement Directorate seized Rs 5.39 crore in cash from a courier named Asim Das. According to the agency, Das claimed that the money was sent by Shubham Soni from Dubai for Bhupesh Baghel. Additionally, several benami bank accounts connected to the betting app were discovered, with Rs 15.59 crore frozen in them.
The allegations made by Shubham Soni against Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel have raised significant concerns. The matter will require a thorough investigation to uncover the truth behind these accusations. As the elections in Chhattisgarh approach, the outcome of this case could have a significant impact on the political landscape of the state.