Brian Higgins, a Longtime Democrat from New York, announces early departure from Congress in 2022

Brian Higgins, a Longtime Democrat from New York, announces early departure from Congress in 2022

U.S. Representative Brian Higgins, a Democrat from New York, announced on Sunday that he will be leaving Congress before the end of his current term due to his frustration with the dysfunction in Washington. Higgins, 64, stated during a news conference that he believes it is time for a change and plans to step down from office in the first week of February.

Having started his 10th term in January, Higgins serves on the House Ways and Means and Budget committees. Reflecting on his decision, he expressed disappointment in the current state of Congress, stating, “Congress is not the institution that I went to 19 years ago. It’s a very different place today. We’re spending more time doing less. And the American people aren’t being served.”

Higgins joins a growing number of Congress members who have recently announced their decision not to seek reelection next year. Republican Representative Brad Wenstrup of Ohio, for example, added his name to the list just last week.

During his announcement at the Buffalo History Museum, Higgins emphasized his desire to return to his city and serve the community that he has represented in Washington for the past 19 years. While he has received offers, he is uncertain about his next career move.

Higgins’ departure will likely trigger a special election in the spring for New York’s heavily Democratic 26th Congressional District, which includes parts of Erie and Niagara counties, including the cities of Buffalo and Niagara Falls.

Throughout his time in Congress, Higgins has been recognized for his efforts in revitalizing Buffalo’s waterfront. His work began in 2005 when he negotiated funding from the New York Power Authority, which sells hydropower produced with water diverted from Niagara Falls. Additionally, he holds positions as co-chair of the Northern Border Caucus and Bipartisan Cancer Caucus, as well as being a member of the Great Lakes Task Force.

State Senator Tim Kennedy praised Higgins’ work, stating, “His work in Washington and western New York will be remembered for what it was: strategic, innovative, and at its core, always focused on why we do what we do as public servants: help people.” Kennedy, a Buffalo Democrat, is considered a potential candidate to replace Higgins.