Comprehensive Guide on Training While Sick

Comprehensive Guide on Training While Sick
During the peak of winter, kudos to those who have managed to stay clear of the relentless virus or mere annoying colds. A majority of those affected by these familiar seasonal symptoms typically opt for rest, sipping on warm tea, and importantly, discontinuing their exercise routines. However, is this the best approach?

Well, if you’re dealing with a common cold, experiencing symptoms such as a stuffy or runny nose, sneezing, or mild throat sensitivity, it’s perfectly okay to continue with your exercise routine. Nevertheless, it’s advisable to cut back on your training intensity, reducing it to about half of your regular workload. During the illness, and particularly in the initial recovery stages, it’s recommended to progressively increase the difficulty level and eventually resume your usual training routine, depending on your comfort level. This is, of course, assuming that after about 10 minutes of exertion, you start feeling better.

On the contrary, if you’re dealing with a severe case such as the flu, accompanied by symptoms like fever, muscle soreness, coughing and an overall feeling of weakness, it’s crucial to completely abstain from any physical activity until you’re well again. You should only resume your physical activities after at least 24 hours have passed since your fever subsided, and without the aid of fever-reducing medications. Upon resuming your activities, it’s important to do so cautiously, gradually working your way back to your normal routine within a span of 3 to 5 days.

In any case, always remember to pay attention to your body’s signals and adjust your activities to match your current physical condition and capabilities.

This informative piece was penned by Danny Tal, an expert in general physical activities.