The film Luottomies, directed by the renowned actor Kari Ketonen, presents an intriguing narrative involving a property being put on the line in the pursuit of a fast profit. A question that naturally arises is whether Ketonen himself is an adept card player. To explore this, HS decided to accompany him to the casino.
A hundred euros were handed over to him as we entered the casino. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation. How would Ketonen, a man known for his acting and directing prowess, fare in this gambling setting?
The answer to this question would soon be revealed as the well-recognized actor-director was escorted to the heart of the gambling establishment, where he was presented with chips and given the freedom to play as he pleased.
Ketonen’s approach to gambling was especially intriguing, given his role as the director and writer of a comedy film in which the main character, a middle-class family man, risks his property in a lien to raise money for his family to purchase a home. This movie, titled Creditor movie: All in, had its premiere on Friday.