Indian cricketer Mohammed Shami emerged as a hero when he saved a person’s life in Nanital. Shami took to social media on Saturday night to share a video of an accident he witnessed. According to Shami, he and a group of people managed to swiftly rescue the individual from a car that had fallen down a hill, averting a potential tragedy. Shami, who is known for his formidable bowling skills, proved to be a savior for an unknown individual.
Interestingly, Shami was present in Nanital at the time of the incident. He revealed that the person’s car tumbled downhill right in front of his vehicle. The fast bowler reacted promptly, ensuring the person’s safety.
Taking to Instagram, Shami posted the video with a caption that read, “He’s so lucky God gave him a second life. His car fell down from the hill road near Nanital just in front of my car. We took him out very safely.”
It is worth mentioning that Shami comes from a humble background. In a recent interview, he shared that he has experience in driving bikes, cars, tractors, buses, and even trucks. However, he has refrained from riding bikes since playing for the Indian cricket team due to the risk of injury. Shami expressed his love for driving and mentioned driving bikes on highways and occasionally in villages when visiting his mother.
“I come from the ground. I have driven tractors, buses, and trucks in the fields. I even drove a bus in a truck. One of my school friends had a truck, and he asked me to drive it. I was young then and practiced driving on a ground. I even drove our tractor into a pond once, which resulted in my father scolding me,” Mohammed Shami shared during an interview on PUMA’s YouTube channel.
This incident highlights Shami’s selfless nature and his ability to rise to the occasion beyond the cricket field. It is a testament to his character and his commitment to helping others in need.