In a groundbreaking move, the police in Jammu and Kashmir have implemented the use of GPS tracker anklets to monitor terror accused individuals who are out on bail. This marks the first instance in India where such a measure has been adopted to closely surveil the movements of an accused person.
The GPS-enabled tracker anklet was attached to the accused after he was released on bail on Saturday. This innovative approach is already being utilized in countries like the United States, the UK, South Africa, and Australia to effectively monitor individuals on bail.
To ensure constant monitoring of the accused, the GPS tracking device is securely fastened around their ankle. This addition of electronic surveillance further strengthens the security forces’ efforts to combat terrorist activities in Jammu and Kashmir.
The introduction of the tracker anklet was a result of an order from the Special NIA Court in Jammu. The accused, Ghulam Mohammad Bhat, had been arrested in a terror-funding case under the stringent anti-terror law UAPA and had subsequently applied for bail. As part of the bail conditions, the court demanded strict monitoring of Bhat and directed the police to attach a GPS tracker anklet to him.
This initiative demonstrates the commitment of the Jammu and Kashmir police to employ advanced technology in their fight against terrorism. By utilizing GPS tracker anklets, the police can now closely monitor the activities and movements of terror accused individuals who are out on bail.