Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the renowned hill shrine of Lord Venkateswara at Tirumala in Tirupati on Monday. During his visit, he offered prayers for the well-being, good health, and prosperity of all Indians. Modi arrived at the temple at approximately 8 am.
In a post on social media platform ‘X’, the Prime Minister stated, “At the Sri Venkateswara Swamy Temple in Tirumala, prayed for the good health, well-being, and prosperity of 140 crore Indians.” Accompanying his post was an image of the Prime Minister at the temple.
During his visit, the temple priests bestowed Vedic blessings upon Modi. He had arrived in Tirumala the previous night, and upon his arrival at the Reniginta Airport, he was received by Andhra Pradesh Governor S Abdul Nazeer and Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy.
Following his temple visit, Prime Minister Modi will proceed to Telangana. The details of his visit and activities in Telangana are yet to be disclosed.
Prime Minister Modi’s visit to the Tirumala temple holds significance as he sought blessings not only for himself but for the entire Indian population of 1.4 billion people. This gesture showcases his dedication to the well-being and prosperity of the nation.
The Prime Minister’s visit to the temple garnered attention and praise from the public, with many expressing their admiration and support on social media platforms.