Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently engaged in a light-hearted conversation with a sarpanch from Jammu during an interaction with beneficiaries of various government schemes. The event was part of the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra, a nationwide initiative aimed at ensuring the prompt delivery of government schemes to all targeted beneficiaries.
During the exchange, Balveer Kaur, the sarpanch of Rangpur village, was discussing the schemes she had benefited from when she was pushed by someone in the crowd. Observing the commotion, PM Modi jokingly advised her to hold on to her seat, lest someone else take over her position as sarpanch.
In response to Ms. Kaur’s mention of purchasing a tractor using a Kisan credit card, PM Modi humorously remarked, “You have a tractor, I don’t even have a bicycle.”
The Prime Minister also shed light on the purpose of the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra, emphasizing the importance of learning from the experiences of existing beneficiaries and reaching out to those who have not yet availed the benefits.
Furthermore, PM Modi expressed the government’s approach towards its citizens, stating that they are considered as “God,” in contrast to previous administrations that saw themselves as parental figures to the people. He acknowledged that previous governments’ paternalistic attitude had resulted in a significant portion of the population being deprived of basic facilities for decades after independence.
The interaction with beneficiaries exemplified the confidence people have in the government’s work over the past decade. The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) issued a statement highlighting the aim of the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra to achieve the saturation of flagship schemes by ensuring timely delivery to all targeted beneficiaries across the country.