Prime Minister Narendra Modi accused the Congress party of punishing Sachin Pilot, citing the history of the party during a rally in Bhilwara, Rajasthan. PM Modi claimed that Sachin Pilot is being victimized because of the rebellion led by his late father, Rajesh Pilot. Sachin Pilot, a prominent leader of the Congress in Rajasthan, has been waiting for the top job in the state for the past five years, but has not received any public reassurance from the party. His differences with Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot have been widely reported.
PM Modi stated that the Congress party harbors resentment towards Sachin Pilot, emphasizing that anyone who raises their voice against the party’s wrongdoings is sidelined by the high command in Delhi. He highlighted that Rajesh Pilot had also faced similar consequences when he raised his voice for the betterment of the Congress. PM Modi further mentioned the controversy surrounding Rajesh Pilot’s comments earlier this year, in which he was accused of dropping bombs on Indians in Mizoram.
Rajesh Pilot, a prominent Congress leader, had objected to Sonia Gandhi being projected as the Prime Minister and had contested against Sitaram Kesri for the post of party chief in 1996, along with Sharad Pawar. Differences between Sachin Pilot and Ashok Gehlot came to the surface after the Congress’ victory in Rajasthan in 2018. Sachin Pilot, who was initially persuaded by Rahul Gandhi to be the deputy of Gehlot, revolted in 2020, causing a major crisis in the Gehlot government.
However, in the run-up to the upcoming elections, both leaders have presented a united front, following the party’s formula in Karnataka, where a peace initiative between Siddaramaiah and DK Shivakumar has yielded significant electoral gains. Ashok Gehlot has expressed his willingness to step down as Chief Minister but stated that the post is not leaving him.
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