The decomposed bodies of four members of a family were discovered in their apartment in West Bengal’s North 24 Parganas district, according to local authorities. The deceased individuals were identified as Brindaban Karmakar, a 52-year-old cloth merchant, his wife Debasree Karmakar, who was in her forties, their 17-year-old daughter Debaleena, and their eight-year-old son Utsaha. The bodies were found in a locked apartment on MS Mukherjee Road in the Khardah area under the Barrackpore Police Commissionerate.
Police suspect that the man poisoned his family members before taking his own life. The man’s body was discovered hanging from the ceiling, while the other three bodies were found in various locations within the flat. A suicide note was also recovered, in which the man claimed that his wife had engaged in an extramarital affair, leading him to take such extreme measures.
Locals alerted the police after detecting a foul smell emanating from the apartment. As the door was locked from the inside, it had to be forcibly opened. The investigation is ongoing, and authorities are working to gather more information about the tragic incident.
(Note: This news article has been rewritten and is based on information from a syndicated feed. The headline has not been altered.)