In the year 2023, Posti, as an entity, endured a significant financial setback, with a loss amounting to a staggering 7 million euros. This was a considerable downturn in the company’s financial performance compared to the previous years.
However, in the postal sector, the company managed to see an improvement in its adjusted operating profit during the last quarter of the year, specifically in the October to December period. The profit rose marginally from almost 31 million euros in the same period of the previous year, to just under 32 million euros, indicating a slight uptick.
Despite this minor improvement in the operating profit, the company’s net sales took a hit. There was a 5.3 percent decrease, bringing the total sales to around 430 million euros. In contrast, the turnover for the corresponding period in the previous year was just under 454 million euros, showing a considerable decline.
Reiterating the financial struggles faced by Posti in the year 2023, the company experienced an overall loss of 7 million euros. This was a stark contrast to the year 2022 when the company’s result was a notable 51 million euros on the profit side. The company has attributed this significant downturn in their financial performance to impairments and other special items that occurred in the third quarter.