Lucy Letby, the former British nurse who was convicted of killing seven newborns in a neo-natal unit, has been transferred to a comfortable private jail with 24-hour protection. According to The Sun, Letby now has her own cell equipped with a shower, desk, phone, and television. The report states that she is receiving special treatment due to her status. This move has reportedly angered other inmates at the prison. Letby, 33, is currently serving a whole life sentence for the murder of seven babies and the attempted murder of six others.
Despite the severity of her crimes, Letby is said to be enjoying a comfortable stay at the private HMP Bronzefield in Ashford, Surrey, after being moved from the tough Low Newton jail in County Durham. A source quoted by The Sun describes Letby as “happy as Larry” in her new cell, emphasizing that the facilities at Bronzefield are far superior to most prisons due to its private management. The source also criticizes the privileges given to Letby and claims that she is being treated unfairly.
The spokesperson for Bronzefield declined to comment on individual cases. Letby, however, is only the fourth woman in the UK to receive a whole life sentence, meaning she will remain in prison until her death.
Letby began working with intensive care babies in 2015, allowing her to care for the most critically ill infants in the unit. Between June 2015 and June 2016, Letby was accused of harming a total of 17 babies, some of whom were just days old. The majority of cases involved Letby injecting the babies with air, although prosecutors also alleged that she introduced insulin or excessive amounts of milk.
During a search of Letby’s home, authorities discovered a Post-it note in which she wrote, “I don’t deserve to live. I killed them on purpose because I’m not good enough to care for them.” She also wrote, “I am evil, I did this,” in capital letters.
The article concludes by stating that further updates are awaited.