Search Underway for Masked Man Who Watered Him

Search Underway for Masked Man Who Watered Him

In an unfortunate turn of events, one of the members of the Zadar Social Democratic Party (SDP), Daniel Radeta, was targeted in an act of hostility on Friday afternoon. Radeta was subject to an assault by an unidentified male individual who hid his face behind a mask. The perpetrator doused Radeta with a liquid substance before leaving the scene of the incident, which took place in Zadar. The following day, the local police department released a statement indicating that they were in the process of determining the specifics of the incident and were actively searching for the individual responsible.

The police statement elaborated, “Upon receiving the information about the unlawful and punishable act committed by an unknown male individual on February 16, around 5:40 p.m. at Petr Zoranić Square in Zadar, the police initiated a criminal investigation. The aim is to ascertain all the circumstances and relevant facts relating to the incident that took place to the detriment of a 36-year-old Croatian citizen. The victim was approached on the street by a masked individual who proceeded to pour an unknown liquid on him before leaving the scene.” The police have vowed to continue their investigations and their search for the suspect involved.

The incident took place a day before the SDP’s “Fight for Dignity” rally. During a casual walk in Zadar, Radeta, who serves as the president of the city’s SDP, was targeted by a masked individual who doused him with a black liquid. The perpetrator quickly fled the scene post the assault. The liquid, however, also splashed onto several other SDP members, including the party’s President, Peđa Grbin.

In his remarks, Grbin described the unknown perpetrator as “an ordinary coward who hid his face,” who poured a foul-smelling, black liquid on Radeta before fleeing the scene. The SDP, in its statement released later that night, pointed out that this was not an isolated incident. Radeta had been the target of physical attacks in the recent past, following his request to remove a controversial mural depicting an Ustasha soldier.

Addressing the situation, Grbin emphasized, “Today we must talk not only about how we will raise salaries and pensions, but also how we will ensure that people in Croatia live freely. People must have the freedom to move around their city without fear for themselves and their families.” Echoing Grbin’s sentiments, Radeta added that he, along with his party colleagues, stand firmly “against the darkness that has taken to the streets”.