Shocking Revelations: People Disclose Past Normalcy of Illegal Activities

Shocking Revelations: People Disclose Past Normalcy of Illegal Activities

Times change, and what was once considered perfectly normal and legal can now land you in jail. A recent Reddit thread asked users to share things that used to be legal but are now illegal. The responses shed light on how much society has evolved over the years.

One user reminisced about buying dynamite at the hardware store to remove tree stumps. Back then, it was a common practice, but it would definitely raise eyebrows today. Another user mentioned cigarette vending machines, which had no age restriction. All you needed was a couple of quarters to get your fix.

Sending kids to buy cigarettes was also a normal occurrence in the past. Parents would ask their children to run errands, including purchasing cigarettes. Nowadays, this would be considered child endangerment.

Smoking at school was also a widespread practice. Some high schools even had designated smoking areas for students. It’s hard to imagine that now, with the strict anti-smoking policies in place.

Lead paint and asbestos in housing were once considered acceptable. People had no idea about the health risks associated with these substances, but now they are strictly regulated due to their toxicity.

Public executions were another thing that used to be normal. People would gather to witness these events, but thankfully, they are a thing of the past.

One user shared a disturbing practice of the past – dosing babies with over-the-counter Laudanum so parents could go out dancing. This dangerous practice was stopped after a couple of tragic incidents. Laudanum was subsequently removed from drugstore shelves.

Smoking indoors was once a common occurrence. Restaurants, bars, and even offices allowed smoking inside. Today, smoking indoors is banned in many places due to the health risks associated with secondhand smoke.

Another user mentioned their high school having a rifle club, where students would keep their guns in lockers. This would be unthinkable in today’s climate of school safety concerns.

Riding in the back of a pickup truck was a thrilling experience for many kids. But now, with the emphasis on seatbelt use and safety, it is considered dangerous and illegal in many places.

Drinking and driving was shockingly common in the past. People would get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol without thinking twice. Thankfully, awareness campaigns and stricter laws have significantly reduced this dangerous behavior.

Wearing a seatbelt used to be seen as unnecessary and even mocked by some. People believed they were restricting their freedom by buckling up. Now, it is widely recognized as a crucial safety measure.

Leaving kids unattended in cars was a common practice in the past. Parents would leave their children in unlocked cars with windows open while they ran errands. Nowadays, this would be considered neglect and child endangerment.

Cocaine was once present in many products, including soft drinks. Its addictive and harmful nature led to its prohibition and strict regulations.

Child labor was a prevalent issue in the past, with arguments made to justify its continuation. Thankfully, laws have been put in place to protect children from exploitation and ensure their education and well-being.

Marital rape was once considered legal, with the belief that marriage implied consent. It took a long time for society to recognize the importance of consent within a marriage and criminalize such acts.

Talking on the phone while driving used to be commonplace. People would drive distracted, increasing the risk of accidents. With the rise of cell phone use, laws have been enacted to ban or restrict phone use while driving.

Environmental pollution was rampant in the past. People would dispose of oil, chemicals, and other hazardous waste into the environment, causing significant damage. Today, there are strict regulations and initiatives to protect the environment and reduce pollution.

Border controls were virtually nonexistent in the past. People could freely cross borders without extensive immigration controls. Now, with the increase in global security concerns, border controls have become more prevalent.

Lastly, the most egregious example mentioned was owning other humans. Slavery, once considered normal and legal, is now recognized as a horrific human rights violation.

Times have certainly changed, and it’s important to reflect on how far society has come. Many practices that were once considered normal or acceptable are now illegal or widely frowned upon. It serves as a reminder of the progress we’ve made and the importance of evolving as a society.