Renowned skier, Sofia Goggia met with a severe accident, resulting in significant injury. She had to undergo a successful operation at the renowned ‘La Madonnina’ Clinic in Milan. The surgery involved the reduction of a fractured, broken joint in the right tibial pilon that was fragmented in multiple places. The procedure went smoothly, as reported by the Fisi. A plate along with seven screws were fixed into the athlete’s joint. Unfortunately, this puts an end to the 31-year-old skier’s season, and even her participation in the 2025 World Championships is now uncertain.
Just before heading into the operating room, Sofia Goggia expressed her disappointment over another injury interrupting her pursuit of a new Downhill World Cup, but she remained optimistic, stating, “This time too I will be able to get up again“. The accident occurred during the third lap of her giant slalom training on the ‘Casola Nera’ slope located in Pontedilegno, Brescia. The Italian ski champion had an unfortunate incident on a curve to the right.
Post-surgery, Sofia will need to adhere to a rest period and take it easy for approximately 40 days. After this rest period, the active phase of her physiotherapy will commence, which is planned to start in the upcoming days. The surgery was performed by Dr. Andrea Panzeri, the president of the Fisi Medical Commission, in collaboration with Dr. Riccardo Accept, who is the head of the Traumatology Unit at the Irccs Galeazzi-Sant’Ambrogio Hospital.
Flavio Roda, the president of the Italian Winter Sports Federation, expressed his sorrow over Sofia’s injury, saying, “It’s always sad when an athlete gets hurt. Sofia was in a positive moment, excelling in speed and showing improvement in giant slalom. This injury is a real shame. We hope for it to be resolved in the best possible way.”