American supermodel and TV presenter Ashley Graham has joined the viral trend “Just looking like a wow” after being encouraged by Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh. During her visit to Mumbai for the Jio World Plaza launch, Ashley shared a video of herself lip-syncing the viral lines while dressed in a gold-toned Banarasi brocade saree. She credited Ranveer Singh for inspiring her to participate in the trend. The trend originally started after a video of a Delhi-based woman named Jasmeen Kaur went viral on Instagram. Ashley Graham’s post comes shortly after Ranveer Singh also joined the trend at the Jio World Plaza launch event, using the lines to praise Nita Ambani. Ashley has also shared a behind-the-scenes clip from the event and expressed her gratitude to the Ambani family for their hospitality and for making her experience a dream come true. Ranveer Singh’s wife, Deepika Padukone, has also previously participated in the trend. Jio World Plaza was inaugurated on October 31 and was attended by many Bollywood celebrities.
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